Children's Book "Felizmente Professora"

"Uma escola marcada por corredores silenciosos e pouca união decide contratar um novo professor. Uma candidata surge despertando curiosidade e aceitando um desafio: enfrentar a turma mais agitada da escola! Venha conhecer e se encantar por essa educadora!"

"A school characterized by silent hallways and lack of unity decides to hire a new teacher. A candidate emerges arousing curiosity and accepting a challenge: face the most agitated class in the school! Come and meet this educator and be enchanted!"

This book was written as a tribute by the author to her dear colleagues. She worked as a teacher in a school and wanted to convey a message through the main character: what an ideal teaching profile would be like.

The story is written by Danúbia Souza. It's a self-published book.

When imagining the main character, a fun, happy and somewhat different teacher, I tried to mix prints and strange clothes in the composition.

Unfortunately, the author passed away during the production of the book and its publication was a way to ease the loss of her.

All illustrations were done using Procreate (Digital Art)

You can order the book directly with me